202 Free Individual Bible Bible Commentaries

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202 Free Individual Bible Bible Commentaries
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1993, Jonathan Edwards, Typological writings (borrow)

1989, Martin Luther, Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings (borrow)

1977, Jonathan Edwards, Apocalyptic writings (borrow)

1895, Dwight Lyman Moody, Notes from my Bible : from Genesis to Revelation

1871, F. C. Cook, The Holy Bible according to the Authorized Version with Explanatory Notes

1867, Robert Smith Candlish, Reason and Revelation

1848, Thomas Chalmers, On the Miraculous and Internal Evidences of the Christian Revelation

1839, Robert Haldane, The Evidence and Authority of Divine Revelation

1714, Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry's commentary on the whole Bible (borrow)

1537, Juan de Valdes, Spiritual and Anabaptist writers : documents illustrative of the Radical Reformation


2014, Ian Barnes, The historical atlas of the bible (borrow)

2014, Uche Anizor, Kings and priests (borrow)

2011, David L. Jeffrey, The King James Bible and the world it made (borrow)

2011, Hendrickson Publishers, Kjv Devotional Bible King James Version (borrow)

2011, L. Tom Perry, The life and legacy of the King James Bible

2010, David Norton, The King James Bible (borrow)

2010, James Hastings, Thank You King James - Tough Life of Robert Hicks: How KJV Rescued Boy from Slums (borrow)

2010, Phillip DePoy, The King James conspiracy (borrow)

2009, J. D. Mckenzie, Our days are numbered the greatest revelation of all time (borrow)

2009, John J. Ranieri, Disturbing revelation (borrow)

2007, Richard Fowler, Serenity : a companion for twelve step recovery, with NT, Psalms & Proverbs (borrow)

2005, C. T. R. Hayward, Interpretations of the Name Israel in Judaism and Christian Writings

2004, Crusade for World Revival, Sing A New Song (borrow)

2004, J. Stephen Lang, 101 most powerful Proverbs in the Bible (borrow)

2003, James Merritt, Crown Him King (borrow)

1998, Donald K. McKim, Historical handbook of major biblical interpreters (borrow)

1998, Gustav Scheller, Operation Exodus (borrow)

1998, Kenneth Winston Caine, The Positive Bible: From Genesis to Revelation (borrow)

1998, Lawrence L. Besserman, Chaucer's biblical poetics (borrow)

1997, James Edson White, The coming King

1997, Johann Michael Reu, Anthology of theological writings (borrow)

1997, John Indermark, Genesis of grace: a Lenten book of days (borrow)

1996, David M. Rohl, Pharaohs And Kings (borrow)

1996, David Noel Freedman, Divine Commitment and Human Obligation (borrow)

1996, David Sorkin, Moses Mendelssohn and the religious enlightenment (borrow)

1996, Elmer Dyck, The act of Bible reading (borrow)

1996, Timothy K. Beal, Reading Bibles, Writing Bodies (borrow)

1995, James R. White, The King James only controversy (borrow)

1994, A. A. Bramley-Moore, The significance of numbers as used in the Bible

1994, Lawrence O. Richards, The Revell Bible Dictionary (borrow)

1993, Andrew Palmer, The Seventh Century in the West Syrian Chronicles (borrow)

1993, Northrop Frye, The eternal act of creation (borrow)

1993, Roy Clements, Songs of experience (borrow)

1991, Patrick M. Arnold, Wildmen, warriors, and kings (borrow)

1989, Jacob Neusner, Writing with Scripture (borrow)

1989, Martin Bobgan, Prophets of psychoheresy (borrow)

1988, Arthur L. Farstad, The New King James Version (borrow)

1988, Matthew V. Labriola, The prophet meets Madison Avenue (borrow)

1988, Robert Walter Funk, The poetics of biblical narrative (borrow)

1986, Walter Brueggemann, To act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly (borrow)

1985, Joseph Henry Dahmus, The puzzling gospels ... passages in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

1985, Meir Sternberg, The poetics of biblical narrative (borrow)

1985, Samuel Iwry, Biblical and related studies presented to Samuel Iwry (borrow)

1983, Francis I. Fesperman, From Torah to Apocalypse (borrow)

1983, Nelson Editors, Complete Concordance to the Bible, New King James Version (borrow)

1982, Howard Merle Teeple, The historical approach to the Bible (borrow)

1980, John G. Marshall, Answer to errors in Archbishop Connolly's recent lectures

1980, Richard W. Kropf, Teilhard, Scripture, and revelation (borrow)

1980, Robert Emerson Coleman, Songs of heaven: from author of Master Plan of Evangelism (borrow)

1979, Herbert Sundemo, Revell's Dictionary of Bible times (borrow)

1979, Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Visionary poetics: Milton's tradition and his legacy (borrow)

1978, J. Stafford Wright, Revell's Dictionary of Bible people (borrow)

1977, Peter Stuhlmacher, Historical criticism and theological interpretation of Scripture (borrow)

1976, Charles F. Kemp, Thinking and acting Biblically (borrow)

1975, Edgar Krentz, The historical-critical method (borrow)

1975, Joseph Rhymer, The Bible in Order: All the Writings Arranged in Chronological Order (borrow)

1968, Merrill Chapin Tenney, The Bible; the living word of revelation (borrow)

1968, Walter B. Duckat, Beggar to king: all the occupations of Biblical times (borrow)

1967, Melvin E. Elliott, The language of the King James Bible (borrow)

1967, Richard Wolff, Israel act III (borrow)

1966, William Foxwell Albright, Archaeology, historical analogy & early Biblical tradition (borrow)

1964, Bridwell Library, The English Bible before the King James (borrow)

1963, British and Foreign Bible Soc., Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture

1963, John Donne, John Donne's sermons on the Psalms and Gospels (borrow)

1963, Olivier Beguin, Roman Catholicism and the Bible (borrow)

1960, J. Sidlow Baxter, Awake My Heart, A Daily Devotional from Genesis to Revelation (borrow)

1959, Harold Stauffer Bender, Biblical revelation and inspiration (borrow)

1959, Rand McNally Co., Historical atlas of the Holy Land (borrow)

1957, Huw Parri Owen, Revelation and existence: a study in the theology of Rudolf Bultmann (borrow)

1955, George Arthur Buttrick, The Interpreter's Bible: KJV and RSV with articles, exegesis, exposition (borrow)

1955, Robert Young, Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan ... Hebrew and Greek originals (borrow)

1953, Mallory Beattie, The making of the Old and New Testaments, a historical study (borrow)

1948, John Noel Schofield, The historical background of the Bible (borrow)

1945, George Ernest Wright, The Westminster historical atlas to the Bible (borrow)

1945, Hubert Cunliffe-Jones, The authority of the Biblical revelation (borrow)

1941, Charles C. Butterworth, The literary lineage of the King James Bible, 1340-1611 (borrow)

1941, David Daiches, The King James version of the English Bible (borrow)

1938, H. Wheeler Robinson, Record and revelation (borrow)

1925, Thomas Jollie Smith, Studies in criticism and revelation

1920, Charles Ryder Smith, The Bible doctrine of society in its historical evolution

1917, Daniel Otis Teasley, Historical geography of the Bible

1914, John F. Downey, The New Revelation Through The Spectroscope and Telescope

1912, Leslie Elmer Fuller, The historical and religious significance of the reign of Manasseh

1911, American Bible Soc., English versions prior to King James (From the "Bible society record")

1911, James Oscar Boyd, The character and claims of the Roman Catholic English Bible

1911, John Taylor Dean, Visions and revelations

1910, Elmore Harris, Concerning the attacks of Prof. Matthews on the Bible

1910, N/A 1910, Five minute Bible readings from Genesis to Revelation

1908, Charles Foster Kent, The historical Bible

1908, Melancthon Williams Jacobus, Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared

1905, C. F. Nosgen, The New Testament and the Pentateuch

1905, Charles Sears Baldwin, The English Bible as a Guide to Writing

1905, John B. Calkin, Historical geography of Bible lands

1905, John Wright, Historic Bibles in America

1904, Samuel Bishop Fallows, The popular and critical Bible encyclopaedia and Scriptural dictionary

1902, D. S. Margoliouth, Lines of defence of the Biblical revelation

1902, J. E. C. Welldon, The revelation of the Holy Spirit

1899, Hugh S. Dougall, The progressive character of revelation

1897, George Adam Smith, The historical geography of the Holy Land, Israel and the early church

1894, Charles W. Darling, Historical account of versions and editions of the Bible

1892, Robert Forman Horton, Revelation and the Bible: an attempt at reconstruction

1892, Thomas J. Henry, The awful and ethical allegory of Deuteronomy Smith

1892, W. H. Porter, Converse with the King

1890, George Park Fisher, The Nature and Method of Revelation

1890, John McClintock, Cycloaedia of Biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature

1890, Pleasant E. Royse, The great importance of the sabbatic number seven

1889, John Skinner, Historical connection between the Old and New Testaments

1888, William Jackson, The light of language, How to hear and read aright

1886, G. Washington Moon, Ecclesiastical English

1886, George D. Armstrong, The two books of nature and revelation collated

1886, Thomas M. McWhinney, Reason and revelation, hand in hand

1885, American Revision Committee, Historical account of the revision of the Authorized English

1884, Frederick Watson, The law and the prophets the Hulsean lectures

1883, Francis Paget, The numbering of days a sermon?

1883, P. W. Clayden, Samuel Sharpe: egyptologist and translator of the Bible

1883, William Leonard Gage, Palestine, historical and descriptive; or, The home of God's people

1881, John James Given, The truth of Scripture in connection with revelation, inspiration, canon

1881, Robert Green Ingersoll, Colonel Ingersoll's effort to demolish Judge Black

1880, Ashbel Welch, Historical address, 500 anniversary translation by Wyckliffe

1880, Charles Foster Kent, The story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation

1877, John Allen Giles, Hebrew and Christian records: age and authorship of the Old and New Testaments

1877, William Harris Rule, Oriental records: Historical. confirmatory of the OT and NT

1876, William James R. Taylor, Our Treasure and Our Trust: The Bible in the Last One Hundred Years

1875, Investigator pseud, Revelation of science in scripture in three lectures

1874, F. W. Bourne, The King's son: A memoir of Billy Bray

1873, Edwin Cone Bissell, The historic origin of the Bible

1873, Henry Burgess, Essays, biblical and ecclesiastical: authority and interpretation of Scripture

1868, R. Milligan, Reason and revelation

1868, Richard Gascoyne, Redemption unfolded: from Genesis to the Apocalypse

1866, John Collyer Knight, The law, prophets, and Psalms: inspiration asserted on authority of our Lord

1864, Edward Garbett, The Divine plan of revelation

1863, John J. Blunt, Undesigned coincidences in OT and NT prove inspiration

1863, Samuel H. Turner, Autobiography of the Rev. Samuel H. Turner, D.D

1862, George Edward Biber, The integrity of the Scriptures vindicated, a sermon

1862, George Rawlinson, The Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records

1861, William Palmer, Egyptian chronicles

1859, David Wilson, Sacred foundations, streams, lakes and fountains of the Holy Land

1858, Samuel Sharpe, Historic Notes On The Books Of The Old And New Testaments

1856, Frederick Meyrick, God's revelation and man's moral sense, sacrifice of the cross

1856, M. Harvey, Lectures on the harmony of science and revelation

1855, E. O. Haven, The young man advised, chief historical facts of the Bible

1853, Eleazar Lord, The Messiah in Moses and the prophets

1853, Justin Edwards, The family Bible...with brief notes and instructions. Vol. 1. Genesis to Job

1851, Richard Whately, Lectures on the Scripture revelations respecting good & evil angels

1850, P. C. Headley, Historical and descriptive sketches of the women of the Bible

1849, Lyman Coleman, An historical geography of the Bible

1845, Jacob Jones Janeway, The internal evidence of the Holy Bible, Bible proved a Divine revelation

1843, John Hooper, Early writings of John Hooper

1841, T. W. Gess, The revelation of God in his word,graphic delineation of Holy Scripture

1840, N/A 1840, Historic art illustrations of the Bible

1837, Samuel G. Goodrich, Peter Parley's method of telling about the geography of the Bible

1836, Leicester Ambrose Sawyer, Elements of Biblical interpretation, analysis of rationalistic and mystic modes

1835, Joseph Hall, Contemplations on the historical passages of the OT and NT

1834, George Croly, Divine providence, or, The three cycles of revelation

1834, Thomas Shapter, Medica sacra, diseases mentioned in the sacred writings

1834, William Jenks, The comprehensive commentary ... Scott's ... Matthew Henry ... Thomas Scott etc.

1830, Alexander Carson, The theories of inspiration of Wilson, Smith, and Dick, proved erroneous

1829, John Griffith Mansford, A Scripture gazetteer of places and people mentioned in the Bible

1819, Edward Wells, An historical geography of the Old & New Testament

1806, Gilbert Gerard, Institutes of Biblical criticism; lectures on that subject

1804, Thomas Ellwood, Sacred history: historical part of OT and NT

1794, N/A 1794, A new hieroglyphical Bible for the amusement & instruction of children

1792, William Newcome, An Historical view of the English biblical translations

1791, William Linn, Sermons historical and characteristical

1774, J. H., A Manual of devotion, consisting of prayers, psalms and hymns

1768, Thomas Llewelyn, An historical account of the British editions of the Bible

1759, Archibald Campbell, The authenticity of the Gospel-history justified

1753, William Whiston, Memoirs of the life and writings of Mr. William Whiston

1748, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, Rabbinical literature: their Talmud and mystical writings, opinions concerning Messiah

1734, Jeremiah Hunt, An essay towards explaining the history and revelations of Scripture

1731, John Lindsay, The short history of the regal succession

1729, Jonathan Harle, An historical essay on the state of physick in the OT NT

1710, Edmund Calamy, The inspiration of the Holy writings of the OT and NT considered

1678, J. St. Nicholas, The history of baptism, under Noah, Moses, Christ

1521, Bede, The minor historical works of Venerable Bede

Not Recommended:

2011, Helen Moore, Manifold Greatness: The Making of the King James Bible [ (borrow)

2010, Maggi Dawn, Writing on the Wall (borrow)

2000, Bonnie Gaunt, The Bible's Awesome Number Code! (borrow)

2000, Phyllis Corzine, The King James Bible (borrow)

2000, Vera Basch Moreen, In Queen Esther's Garden (borrow)

1999, Kim Forrest, The elements of writing with scripture (borrow)

1998, Esther Gilman Richey, The politics of Revelation in the English Renaissance (borrow)

1982, Olga S. Opfell, The King James Bible translators (borrow)

1979, Penelope Proddow, Art tells a story, Greek and Roman Myths (borrow)

1970, Ruth M. Ames, The fulfillment of the Scriptures: Abraham, Moses, and Piers (borrow)

1950, Ruth Hornblower Greenough, The home Bible, arranged for family reading from the King James version (borrow)

1945, Thelona D. Stevens, Bible studies in the King James and inspired versions (borrow)

1936, Mabel Axcy Dominick, The Bible and the historical design (borrow)

1921, Mildred Berry, From Genesis to Revelation: An Outline of the Bible's Whole ...

1886, Samuel James Andrews, God's revelation of Himself to men

1870, Margaret Junkin Preston, Old song and new

1832, Charles Lambert Coghlan, A scriptural commentary on the Book of Genesis and the Gospel according to st. Matthew

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